Our God is generous. His creation is filled with colours, flavours, textures and thousands of creatures. He lavishes his grace on us, having given us his Son as our saviour. We believe that a generous lifestyle is how we are to respond to all of this.
God loves a cheerful giver – 2 Corinthians 9:7
You can give to support all that the church does through a variety of ways:
Giving in this way means that those who have responsibility for looking after the finances at Christ Central have the benefit of knowing that an assured amount will be available each month. Please download and complete a Standing Order form or contact us for help in setting up a Standing Order.
Log on to your online banking and set up a direct bank transfer.
Bank: Natwest
Sort Code: 60-02-12
Account Number: 61632643
Please use your surname and initials as your reference when doing transfers and email accounts@christcentralchurch.org.uk to let us know you have set up a new transfer.
We take up an offering at all Sunday services. Use the giving envelopes provided to give via cash or cheque (payable to ‘Christ Central Church’). Please put your name on the envelope so we can claim Gift Aid where possible.
You will be given the option to select Gift-Aid during the payment process.
You can even donate part of the proceeds of an ebay auction and Gift-Aid the donation.
If you are a UK taxpayer, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you. Please download and complete our Gift Aid Form and return it at the Information Point or place it in the offering basket on a Sunday.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Finance Team for any queries or assistance about giving/finances at Christ Central. You can do this by emailing accounts@christcentralchurch.org.uk or calling 020 8676 8616